The story begins with an introduction of the main character of the series Aoi Ashito who is a young teenager aspiring to be a professional soccer player, and whats the best way of introducing such a character other than showing him at his peak, which is through playing soccer. He would be playing as part of his high school team against another high school team which refused to take him because of his very crude playstyle.
At the same time in the audience we see the to be mentor for Aoi sitting and watching the match without blinking his eyes. The one and only Tatsyua Fukuda who is a veteran of Japan's youth team from Esperion club, the biggest and number one soccer club in town. Fukuda has a goal that he wants to accomplish, which is to build his very own team of only the best of soccer players who are gonna play for the country.
Fukuda being an amazing mentor would have come to this country side small town called Ehime in order to scout Aoi for the team, he is amazed by Aoi's play style. Even though, Aoi loses in that game due to misconduct, seeing how good he played, Fukuda meets him outside the match and asks him to explain what was going on in his head while he shot that goal. On listening to him Fukuda gets mind blown and decides to call him for trials for the next team of Esperion youth team.
This is where it all begins, Aoi is being raised by a single mother and his brother who taught him soccer when he was but a child, from there the story entrails him becoming a professional soccer player of the elite kind. Especially him being a countryside boy trying to survive in the urban world all the hate he is gonna receive from other players playing the big leagues.
The fact that the protagonist is portrayed as poor adds another layer of sympathy and relatability to his character. His financial struggles create a strong emotional connection with the audience, making his journey all the more compelling. The anime has specified the fact that he is from a poor background and he is off to do something great despite his problems and issues. The author has made sure to tell that whether you have money or not if you the passion and the will to take something forward then thats totally possible. This aspect of the show makes a lot of the viewers feel like its extremely relatable.
Unlike many sports anime where characters often pursue the sport as a career, the protagonist in this series is genuinely passionate about playing soccer. He finds joy in the game itself, making his enthusiasm infectious and encouraging viewers to share in his excitement. There are a lot of scenes in the series when he sees other players in his team he realizes that all of the people there are thinking the same thing that they gonna take this forward and become a professional player one day, whereas he reminds himself that he just wants to play soccer and win that match that day and that is gonna make him satisfied.
The theme of repaying loved ones who have supported the protagonist adds a powerful layer of value to the story. It fosters gratitude and highlights the importance of acknowledging the support we receive from those around us. His mom and brother put in a lot of effort to take him to where he is now and his main intention would be to make them feel proud and make their efforts seem worthwhile whilst he gets to do what he loves. Not only that even his friends like his team mates as well as Hana have done a lot for him and he tries his best to live up to their expectations and does not makes their efforts go in vain.
A central message of the anime is the idea of believing in one's strengths, even if they might seem unconventional. It encourages viewers to be professional in their chosen paths, regardless of societal expectations or opinions from others. Pursuing sports in a professional extent is very rare since there is so much competition in that sector and it is really difficult to make a name for yourself in that particular sector, but this show shows that there is no boundary to what you wish to become all you have to do is believe in yourself and have trust yourself in what you do.
Another aspect that I really loved in this show is that , there are scenes in this show where the coach himself makes errors and learns from it and this pretty much shows that no one is actually perfect even though they have a lot of experience. This underscores the complexity and depth of the sport, showing that even experienced individuals continually seek to improve their understanding of the game. Unlike a lot of other shows where the coach is portrayed is the most experienced know it all.
In summary, I would rate this anime a 4 out of 5 rating, this anime offers a refreshing take on the sports genre with its confident protagonist, engaging storytelling, high-quality animation, relatable financial struggles, and a strong focus on the love of the game. It promotes important values, celebrates individual strengths, and highlights the significance of teamwork and the broader aspects of soccer beyond scoring goals.
"Ao Ashi" stands out as a compelling and refreshing addition to the sports anime genre. Its storyline, which begins with a passionate and confident protagonist, Aoi Ashito, sets a unique tone that engages viewers from the start. The series delves into Aoi's financial struggles, highlighting the challenges he faces as a young soccer player from a modest background. This relatable aspect of his character resonates with the audience, fostering a strong emotional connection. The show not only emphasizes the love of the game but also stresses the importance of gratitude, self-belief, and the value of unconventional strengths.
It breaks away from the stereotype of pursuing sports as a career and instead focuses on the pure joy of playing soccer. The series also excels in character development, portraying the growth and learning experiences of the characters, including Aoi, his teammates, and even the coach. Overall, it is a must-watch for both soccer enthusiasts and those seeking an inspiring and heartfelt sports anime.