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Uzumaki: Spiral into Horror is one of Junji Ito's finest writings to be released as an anime on 28 September 2024. Junji Ito is known for his horrifying stories dealing with some psychological aspects, some gruesome deaths, and some crazy evil intentions. Although it's not his first anime series adapted from Manga, this is a highly anticipated big one. His level of horror is unlike any other, for some it might come out silly, but he hustles with the inner mechanisms of the brain to not only scare the viewers but also dwell deeper and ponder the possibility of such shocking incidents. 

1. Junji Ito Collection(2018)

It is one of the weirdest shows I have ever seen, there is no story per se, as the title of the anime suggests, it's a small example from Juji Ito's work, there are all short stories of maybe 10-15mins, some episodes do have multiple chapters put in it, one after the other. The stories are very creepy, and scary and the animation has perfectly portrayed the weird characters in the most chill down viewer's spine kind of way. Some stories are pretty interesting and make you wonder what was going through the writer's head while making them.

The one with the weird holes disease"Junji Ito Collection(2018)." . IMDb,https://www.imdb.com/title/tt7814574/

I am not the one who likes horror, but some of the stories I did feel were pushing a little too much out of reality and it kind of felt silly, I am sure there are people out there who would enjoy such small stories filled with the eerie storyline and disturbing visuals of the acts presented by the protagonist or the antagonist. Most of the episodes do end in a cliffhanger, I am not entirely sure if the Manga has the closure to the story, but it did feel nice to know the end for some of the stories, instead of watching more of such ominous scenes.

2. Spiral (2000) - Uzumaki

The movie is mainly focused on the concept of obsession, yes the movie itself has some very freaky visuals, but all that might look fake, in the end, the most fear lies in the fact that when a mind takes hold of something and it becomes impossible to get rid of it, all because we have no control over it. This movie explains that with the obsession over spirals, there are some gory and psychologically disturbing scenes and even though it was made in the year 2000, credit has to be given for making it as impactful as it can be.

The mother in the show getting paranoid about the spiral. "Spiral(2002)-Uzumaki." . IMDb,https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0244870/

Junji Ito is known for making such grotesque horror stories, where he goes above and beyond reality to introduce other worldly concepts to bring about a horrifying experience. The show entails not just one person, but the whole town captivated by spiral objects, so much that they themselves would want to turn into spiral objects. People in the movie start seeing snails, the spiral in their fingerprints, and even the spiral motion of the washing machine, they get so occupied with it that, they wouldn't even mind their death for the sake of this spiral.

Alright, there is the list of everything to watch before you watch the anime, hope you guys have enjoyed the read, if you did make sure to spread the word about this blog to others interested as well, cause I am only going to be bringing you guys more of what you guys just read, hopefully I have at least motivated you to give one of these movies mentioned a watch. Well, I only wish to improve your experience in entertainment.