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Showing posts with label eve. Show all posts


The Wild Robot is one of the most heartwarming movies to be released on 18 October 2024 by Universal Pictures. The movie is about this robot that gets stranded on Earth, as it learns about this planet it comes across the baby duck which treats it to be the mother, the wild robot for once almost organic itself as it gets comfortable with nature, but the unfortunate turn of events cause the robot's kind to turn back which have come to disturb the peace of Earth, to which the protagonist robot rebels.

1. The Iron Giant (1999)

The movie is a classic, it entails a small boy who comes across a big robot from outer space, and both are confused about each other they become friends and survive the eyes of society which they are scared of facing an antagonist response. Apart from this, another selfish government agent is off to get the Iron Giant caught and then investigated, and he comes close to finding the Iron Giant multiple times during the movie which makes it a little more thrilling. The ending is also very thrilling and we get to see a whole different side of the Iron Giant, and how the whole plot comes together at the end of it.

Harvath and the Iron Giant bond seamlessly. "The Iron Giant(1999)." Heroes Wiki https://hero.fandom.com/wiki/Iron_Giant/Gallery

There are a lot of cute and wholesome moments in the movie congruent to the new movie The Wild Robot, where the Iron Giant interacts with the environment around him which gets him into all sorts of trouble and a lot of unwanted consequences. The animation is what motivated me the most to watch the movie, It is completely different from other animated movies and it is visible that there has been a lot of production that has gone into it, even when it was made a long time ago. This movie is a great reference to The Wild Robot, which makes us understand the concept of a robot in a new environment kind of a situation.

2. WALL-E(2008) 

This is another classic robot movie, but it's very different and a whole new genre altogether, this movie is set in the year 2070 on Earth, where all the humans have moved to live in space because Earth being non-sustainable, all alone lives Wall-E a trash processing robot, it goes about doing about its job all alone, while living with its friend cockroach. Soon after the movie begins, the spaceship that sustains humankind sends out its regular scheduled robot to check for any improvement on Earth named EVE, Wall-E goes through what is called Love at first sight.

WALL-E and EVE bonding with each other, as WALL-E shows some inventions humans used. "WALL-E(2008)." Disney Wiki https://disney.fandom.com/wiki/WALL-E_(film)/Gallery 

EVE as it lives through the day with Wall-E grows a connection with it. EVE's job was to find plant life on Earth, as it finds it it's programmed to call the spaceship and send a capsule to Earth to extract it, Wall-E unable to leave EVE hangs onto its dear life and reaches the spaceship. Where they have gone way ahead in technology such that they don't even walk but hover everywhere. The spaceship has a brain of its own, which is surprisingly the antagonist of this movie, it destroys every plan to move back to Earth by taking control of the humans there, it has an amazing twist and overall a beautiful love story between Wall-E and EVE, really shows how robots which come in contact with Earth, just like the wild robot.

3. Kubo and the Tow Strings

Unlike the movies mentioned above, this one does not include robots, now one might wonder what this is doing, in this list, let me explain. The movie itself has an incredible animation, it's a one-of-a-kind stop motion type of animation and includes an incredibly twisted story like the world robot. Kubo is the son of a samurai and a demon who is great with origami, he lives with his mom who would have had their memory altered when she was protecting Kubo from her evil father. Kubo would have never seen his father Hanzo who would have died protecting him. He is the sole protagonist who goes on an adventure to find his parents.

Kubo with her friend Monkey and the warrior Beetle fighting against the Skeleton monster. "Kubo and the Two Strings(2016)." IMDb https://www.imdb.com/title/tt4302938/mediaindex/

Kubo's mother warns Kubo from staying out late in the night, because when his grandfather the moon king would be looking for him, one day Kubo enters a festival where the people have a ritual to speak to the ones that they have lost, Kubo having never met his father, would engage himself in this ritual, but as he finds no success it turns out that he would have waited until night, this is when his grandfather knowing Kubo's location chasing him, on this quest of his to destroy the moon king, he meets a monkey and a warrior beetle. With only his Shamisen and two friends, he goes against the Moon King, exactly like The wild robot who has to go against her kind.

4. Chappie (2015)

This movie is not animated but it does delve into more artificial intelligence, in this movie humans have realized that the police force has been taking a lot of blows from fugitives, hence they decide to build robots that can take care of them, the creator decides to go one step further from just robots who just follow orders and protocols, to making artificial intelligence, which he integrates into the same robot, and names it Chappie, unfortunately, Chappie ends up with a few gangsters who are in desperate need of money. Even though he end  the creator doesn't want Chappie to grow out to be a robot that does crime, Chappie has his struggles between the good and the bad.

Chappie is all ready to go gangster on the antagonist robot. "Chappie (2015)."https://www.imdb.com/title/tt1823672/mediaindex/

It's rather not a realistic look into artificial intelligence, the pace of this movie concerns the developing technology, if you think the robot got easily adjusted to the artificial intelligence wait for the ending, this just stretches the bounds of reality. The movie is overall fun to watch, there are some cute moments with the robot and some funny moments. All in all this movie does give a good idea of how a robot who has its thoughts adjusts to all the human emotions and behaviors, which is what we can expect from the wild robot as well.

5. I Am Mother (2019)

This is more or less similar to the situation in WALL-E, Earth which was once lush, has become barren without humans but with left with a single robot that has been assigned to regrow the population, by incubating some human embryos and taking care of them, teaching them to be the best of the humankind so that they do not have to face the extinction again, although the robot seems perfect as the one to take care of a baby because it has everything covered. What's a movie without twists, the firstborn baby when it grows up, realizes that the world outside is not what the robot explained to her.

The mother robot taking care of the first born with her warmth "I Am Mother (2019)."IMDb

This woman gets curious and tries to go out of bounds, exactly what was restricted by the robot, during the process she realizes that the robot could be telling lies, just to keep her in the bunker where they lived secluded from the entire world. This is not as happy and wholesome as the wild robot is gonna be but this shows a different side of how a robot living among humans could affect the scenario, it's one of those possibilities that one was able to put out in the form of a movie. However the aspect of how the robot acts like the mother of an organic being is exactly how the wild robot takes care of the duckling in the movie.

Alright, there is the list of everything to watch before you watch the movie, hope you guys have enjoyed the read, if you did make sure to spread the word about this blog to others interested as well, cause I am only going to be bringing you guys more of what you guys just read, hopefully I have at least motivated you to give one of these movies mentioned a watch. Well, I only wish to improve your experience in entertainment.