Showing posts with label Edge-of-Your-SeatThrill. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Edge-of-Your-SeatThrill. Show all posts


Joker:  Folie à Deux is the sequel to the Joker movie in 2019 releasing on 4th October 2024. Folie à Deux means a mental disorder shared by people who are close to each other, what a fitting name for the movie about the duo Joker and Harley Quinn. It's important to understand a little bit of backstory for both of them to have an amazing experience watching the movie, don't worry this blog is spoiler-free. Although an introduction to these well-known characters is not required, for all the veterans it's a good list to jog your memory, and for all the new viewers it's time to train your brains to handle some craziness.

  1. Batman (1989)

This is where it all really starts for Joker in live action movies, which is what makes this movie a must watch. This movie gives an amazing introduction to the character and really explains his origin story as in comics and depicts the relationship between Batman and Joker in its utmost raw form. Joker in this movie is pretty much the badass villain who might not be strong physically but is smart, this smart brain which is also psychotic makes him one of the most feared villains. there are also some minor appearances of other important characters in the DCEU like Commissioner Gorden, Harvey Dent, and Alfred. 

 Joker's final performance. "Batman (1989)." IMDb, https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0096895/mediaindex/.

This movie gives a real essence of who the Joker is, he is seen pulling out his famous laughing gas trick and some other pretty as well as petty tricks just to have a laugh. Joker's jokes only make sense to him while others just find it cruel and insane. Although this movie has one of the silliest of Joker's, it still is the perfect movie to start with to understand the tone of this character. With his crazy wit along with his perseverance to prove Batman wrong, he puts out a big show just to show everyone that he is no less mysterious than Batman, which makes one question if Batman is really in the right or is he just a single step away from becoming joker himself.

2. The Dark Knight (2008)

This movie has set the bar for the most nerve-racking acts of Joker, this movie has set a silhouette for Joker. This already makes this a must-watch, even if you are not the one to follow any of the DC movies, the Batman movies, or the Joker movies. It's a must-watch for its amazing cinematography, the astounding acting, and the immense detail the directors have invested in putting out music which brings a chill down the spine during those intense scenes. There is no origin story in this movie, it gets straight to the point and just blows your mind thinking what more is Joker even capable of?

                                       Joker's best magic trick. "The Dark Knight (2008).".IMDb, https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0468569/mediaindex/ 

This movie features some of the most famous lines of Joker, including "Why so serious" and "Let's put a smile on that face". This movie is not just some live adaptation of a comic, it makes you question what's right? and what's wrong?, is Batman the good guy?, Is Joker the villain? There are a couple of scenes where you are trying to decode Joker's brain, which will only leave you trapped in a maze of wonder. Joker's true intentions are made more clear in this movie which fits his overall character, him being psychotic, it is very clear that he doesn't have any motive for money or power, he just wants to push people, "the civilized people" (Watch the movie to get this reference) to their limits just for fun and to see how they react, which makes him one of the scariest villain of all time.

3. The Suicide Squad (2016)

This movie has one of the most disliked Joker probably because of his weird teeth and that hairstyle, but Joker is not the reason why this movie is on this list, it's because of Harley Quinn, who is the second protagonist in Joker:  Folie à Deux, Harley Quinn for those of you who don't know is the lover/second in hand to Joker and she, as some might even say crazier than Joker. This movie explains the origin story of Harley in a sort of montage and it also depicts this love/hate relationship between Harley and Joker.

                                 Joker in one of Harleys therapy sessions. "The Suicide Squad (2016).". IMDb  https://www.imdb.com/title/tt1386697/mediaindex/ 

Harley in this movie uses her favorite weapon the wooden baseball bat which also might be featured in the new movie. Harley used to be the psychiatrist to Joker in the Arkham Asylum, as expected she clearly couldn't handle Joker's brain and she eventually fell for Joker and became his lover. In this movie Harley is the primary member of the suicide squad and she works with the team on a mission that could potentially kill her. Amidst all this Joker tries to intrude and their love for each other brings about complexities which is what makes this movie that much interesting.

4. Batman: The Killing Joke (2016)

This is just an animated movie which will not be able to depict Joker's true colors and eerie nature of his, cause who really takes a cartoon movie seriously is what I was thinking before I watched it, oh was I wrong, this movie has batgirl and batman fighting crime, until batman comes across Joker planning something sick again. As the setting goes batman has become tired of fighting him again and again, and is finally ready to change things. Hence this movie is a bit strange and its different from all the movies above where both of them are just going at each other. This one shows a completely different side of Joker and Batman.

                      Joker's grin, you know he is up to no good. "Batman: The Killing Joke (2016).", IMDb  https://www.imdb.com/title/tt4853102/mediaindex/ 

This movie presents Joker's origin story but with a twist, Joker as he explains his baffling backstory he says "I have a past, but I don't seem to remember it properly, every time I keep remembering different details", even though it's just a single line it makes the whole picture more clear. To add to that Batman in this movie also confesses that he doesn't know who Joker is even after countless encounters, which is what makes Joker more interesting. Joker in this movie pushes his luck to the maximum, again just to test what Batman does and have a little bit of "fun" seeing how people react to the vilest thing he can put forth.

5. Joker (2019)

This movie is the prequel to Joker: Folie à Deux, it's one hell of a mentally straining movie, Joker is the protagonist and the antagonist, his acting is flawless and the movie takes a deep dive into his mind, they show what Joker has been through in his life to have become the way he has turned out to be. This movie makes the viewers feel that although he might be doing all the wrong things, when you think of the reason you start to wonder whether he is in the right.

                                     Joker's grin, preparing for his grand show. "Joker (2019).". IMDb  https://www.imdb.com/title/tt7286456/mediaindex/ 

People always say to protect the weak, when you realize that society and life aren't always fair to everyone, that's when the weak become strong and that's what this movie preaches. Joker stops believing that he can make the world a happy place, he joins the evil as he feels like he can't fight evil anymore. The psychotic human that he is, he not only feels good about being at the center of chaos but also thinks it's funny by disclosing the truth that it gives him a sense of freedom and satisfaction. He presents as someone who has nothing to lose which is where you realize that he has crossed the last line of hope. It's an amazing movie overall with great acting and it is something that has to be watched before watching the new movie.

Alright, there is the list of everything to watch before the new movie releases, hope you guys have enjoyed the read, if you did make sure to spread the word about this blog to others interested as well, cause I am only going to be bringing you guys more of what you guys just read, hopefully I have at least motivated you to give one of these movies mentioned a watch. Well, I only wish to improve your experience in entertainment. 

UNCHARTED - THE LOST LEGACY : India's hidden secrets.


    "Uncharted: The Lost Legacy" is a captivating spin-off from the original Uncharted series, spotlighting the remarkable Chloe Frazer, an audacious Indian-Australian mercenary with a storied past alongside Nathan Drake. Embarking on a thrilling new escapade set against the backdrop of India, Chloe, joined by her resourceful partner Nadine Ross, delves into the enigmatic realms of the long-forgotten cities of Belur and Halebidu.

    The game's opening scene thrusts players into a violent conflict unfolding in the center of India, where a fierce struggle ensues between the established government forces and resolute insurgents. At the helm of the insurgent military the The game's opening scene thrusts players into a tumultuous conflict unfolding on the vivid canvas of India, where a fierce struggle ensues between the established government forces and resolute insurgents. At the helm of the insurgent military machine stands the enigmatic Asav, an astute leader who masterminded the inception of a potent guerrilla warfare movement known as the Kannidigan. 

    The crux of the narrative revolves around the tale of Shiva, the destroyer, gifting an awe-inspiring axe to Parashuram, one of Lord Vishnu's ten avatars. This very axe played a pivotal role breaking of the tusk of the divine Ganesh, son of Shiva, leading to the creation of a treasure imbued with an exquisite array of pearls this artifact of immense value - the revered tusk of  the Indian god Ganesh, including Chloe's own father and the enigmatic Asav, the leader who masterminded the inception of a guerrilla warfare. Asav's strategic prowess is underpinned by a relentless ambition - his unwavering quest to unearth the legendary tusk of Ganesh. This coveted artifact, steeped in myth and potency, holds the promise of bestowing upon its possessor a decisive advantage in the ongoing power struggle.

   United with her stalwart companion Nadine, Chloe's journey transcends the realm of a mere treasure hunt. It transforms into a valiant mission to prevent the unthinkable - the potential obliteration of a nation's identity and cultural legacy. Through twists of history and the tapestry of myth, Chloe and Nadine become the vanguards of a narrative that interweaves the threads of ancient heritage with the contemporary struggle for survival. 


    Chloe Frazer emerges as an extraordinary protagonist, a perfect blend of an explorer and quick-witted problem-solver, effortlessly navigating through the unfathomable challenges that obstruct her path. Her seasoned expertise and  determination allow her to push through the most difficult of predicaments. However, what truly sets her apart is her intellect, embodying the essence of critical thinking that guides her every move. 

    Her distinctive trait lies in her belief in the inherent goodness within people, a rare quality that sees past the depths of others' flaws and transgressions. This profound ability to offer redemption and second chances imparts a remarkable depth to her character. Chloe embraces her role as a part-time thief – a facet she wears like a badge of honor, adding a component of intrigue. This infusion of  charm and a playful behavior adds an interesting dimension to the narrative, inviting players to embrace not only heroism but also her happy go attitude.

    Nadine Ross assumes the role of Chloe's companion throughout their journey, her composed resolve - an understandable behavior considering her prior antagonist role in another series. Having embarked on a redemptive direction after the sting of betrayal on the antagonist side, the dynamic between the two reveals a captivating interplay of camaraderie and tension. Nadine's up front attitude often ignites fiery clashes with the spirited Chloe, yet beneath the surface, there is an unwavering faith. Within the details of the game that scales up with the older Uncharted games, lies the intriguing evolution of Nadine's transformation from villain to virtuous. This  metamorphosis renders the gameplay all the more engaging as it explores the intricate psychology of her shift from darkness to the luminous side.

    Asav is a strategic mastermind and the formidable leader of the Kannidigan insurgents, he aspires to reshape the very fabric of the war, forging an indomitable advantage that would subjugate governmental forces beneath his iron will. Asav emerges as the central figure of malevolence, an antagonist whose presence looms large on the canvas. A true embodiment of unwavering ambition, Asav's bold nature knows no bounds, compelling him to stoop to lowest of depths in his pursuit of desire. His sinister manipulations extend to the point of sacrificing his own comrades for his own greed, beneath this drape of cruelty, lies a mind that brims with intelligence, an amazing strategist who perpetually manages to outmaneuver Chloe, leaving her one step behind.


    This game introduces players to an immersive open-world experience, within the depths of the Beluru and Helibidu forests. The canvas upon which this adventure which has amazing craftsmanship, aesthetic landscape that is nothing short of breathtaking. The visual tapestry unfurls in a marvelous panorama, each pixel a testament to the artistry at play, inviting players to lose themselves in the game. Amidst this meticulously designed environment, a captivating touch emerges in the form of Chloe's photographic pursuits. Her phone serves as a portal to capture moments of wonder, adding an immersive aspect that invites players to encapsulate the beauty they encounter.

    The canvas comes alive with a vibrant array of elements, from gushing waterfalls that matches the verdant greenery with the introduction of indigenous fauna that lend an air of authenticity to the experience. There are playful presence of monkeys, a fitting nod to India's natural landscape, infuses an organic component, while the graceful dance of birds against the blue sky adds a touch of mythical feel to it. Imbuing the ambiance, the subtle melody of insect sounds merges easily with the background music, creating a multisensory landscape that is exuberant.

    It is in these curated details that the true charm of this open world flourishes. This game captures the essence of India's rich biodiversity and cultural nuances, transporting players into a dimension where every corner holds a secret waiting to be uncovered. The open world becomes more than just a setting; it changes into a living, breathing character, a realm that needs exploration and resonates with the spirit of the adventure itself.

    The game's directors have masterfully woven the captivating elements that render it an enjoyable and immersive experience. Notably, the hallmark of an Uncharted series—the art of parkour—is exquisitely showcased here, enhanced by the lush, untamed background of the jungle setting. This dynamic movement system seamlessly intertwines with the environment, allowing players to navigate and traverse the terrain, adding a thrill to the gameplay which is also authentic in many cases.


    The revelation that Chloe Frazer's own lineage converges with the tusk's narrative adds another layer of profound significance. Armed with the knowledge of her father's connection to this artifact, Chloe's determination to shield India's cultural heritage blazes into an inferno. Her journey transcends the boundaries of personal pursuit, turning into an epic quest to safeguard not only the relic but also the essence of a nation's identity. Bound by an unbreakable bond of purpose, Chloe and her steadfast comrade Nadine become the protagonists of a tale that weaves the story of the ancient times. 

    Asav being a formidable foe conspires to bestow upon him an upper hand, infusing the gameplay with a dose of challenge. As players navigate Chloe's goes against this formidable adversary, the tension him having the upper hand heightens the stakes

    While embracing an open-world design, there is an imbalance of freedom and direction, there is not much to be done while walking and its a pain to walk around because the character doesn't run as fast either. This equilibrium is set by the use of a jeep for traversing, this underlines the essence of exploration while ensuring players remain engaged with key points of interest. 

    The combat mechanics in the game stand as a proof to its excellence, offering a an exhilarating experience. The well-balanced health bar strikes the right chord in the players brains, letting players have a degree of leniency to learn from their missteps and evolve their strategies organically. A standout feature surfaces during the enthralling combat sequences with Nadine, where the synergy of cooperative fighting which displays of choreographed prowess. The integration of combo moves not only augments the visual spectacle but also lends an interactive layer that adds depth to the connection between the player and the characters on screen.

    This game offers a diverse gun loadout options adds a thrilling dimension to combat encounters. The combat itself remains consistently engaging, the true brilliance lies in the multiplicity of pathways you can tackle a situation which leads to discovering an individual playstyle.

    This game, in comparison to the older games within the Uncharted series, does manifest as relatively compact, which turns out to be quite the disappointment. The initial joy derived from the amazingly crafted architectural marvels, and the seamless  gameplay mechanics can be likened to ascending the pinnacle of joy, at this point the game ends which is makes you want more.

    However, the narrative could have benefitted with an additional content of intricacy, particularly in the context of character introductions. While the vibrant personalities of the cast certainly shine through, their histories and motivations could have been more elaborately sketched, enabling a deeper resonance with their individual characters.

    At the apex of this game is filled with a scattering of very few side quests this is linked to Chloe's inherent proclivity for both thievery and artifact collection finds a way into this game as well. The open-world canvas imbibes these pursuits with a twist of challenge. While the endeavor might prove occasionally painful, this very sense of challenge adds an exhilarating motivation, motivating players onward to conquer the most daunting obstacles.


    "Uncharted: The Lost Legacy" emerges as a captivating game to the artistry of game design, weaving together a bunch of elements that invite players into a rich and immersive experience. Chloe's everlasting spirit and multifaceted persona, including her fearless exploration and fantastic parkour skill. Nadine's complex transformation from antagonist to ally adds a layer of depth.

    Amidst this exquisite backdrop unfolds a battle of wits and wills with Asav, a compelling antagonist who is the embodiment of malevolence through his manipulation and disregard for human life. His enigmatic aspirations, fueled by his insatiable thirst for power, sets the stage for a riveting conflict that tests the limits of Chloe and Nadine's tenacity. The carefully curated open world brims with life, from cascading waterfalls to indigenous fauna that describes the vibrancy of India's diverse landscape. 

    While the game's narrative and scale may appear more compact in comparison to the older games, it compensates with an aesthetic environment that is awe-inspiring, a captivating story that unravels that compares light and shadow within its characters and for this i would give a rating of 4/5. Uncharted: The Lost Legacy definitely captures the essence of adventure, offering players a unique blend of excitement and introspection.

MONEY HEIST : The Professor's Ingenious Plan in Motion


    "Money Heist" is a thrilling web series centered around a group of fugitives, each possessing unique and specialized skills essential for their daring heists. In their ambitious first heist, they set their sights on the Royal Mint of Spain, the nation's minting station responsible for producing the entire country's currency. Opting to target the very source of cash instead of a conventional bank adds a captivating twist to the series and makes it more interesting. The second heist takes the group of fugitives to the Bank of Spain, where the country's entire gold reserves are stored. 

    While the first heist was a brilliant display of meticulous planning and focused execution, the second heist receives mixed reviews. I found the first heist captivating, with every aspect carefully thought out and a lack of unnecessary drama, making it concise and engaging. However,  the second heist was extremely long with overly exaggerated events and lack of structure, which was quite unsettling although they have managed to put across a good show altogether.  

    The events of the first heist unfolded within a mere ten days, resulting in a whirlwind of emotions, conflicts, and unexpected twists. This demonstrated that even the most perfectly planned operations can have flaws due to unforeseen factors, such as the complexities of love, and that this shows there are things which are completely out of our hands but in the end its all about moving along and that we should also move with the flow.

     Each member of the heist had their own compelling reasons for participating, most of which stemmed from desperation or dire circumstances, the fact that the heist men and women were really dedicated to the heist and that they really put their life on the line and there was no backing out from there. In order to pull a heist of such a large and laid out plan in that scale it is just a matter of life and death, considering they were also putting the lives of their family on the line. This provided depth and complexity to their characters, making their actions and decisions more understandable and relatable.  

    The second heist brought a new set of challenges, as everything began to happen at a rapid pace. The tricks and strategies employed by the heist members became predictable to the police, and the professor himself seemed less confident in his own plans. This shift was somewhat frustrating, especially considering that the first heist showcased meticulous planning that ensured success. However, despite the uncertainty and the professor's apparent lack of control, things somehow fell into place, which was both surprising, unusual and rather unsettling and anticlimactic. 

    While the series could have concluded on a high note with first heist, which had a compelling ending, Second heist felt like a convoluted continuation that lacked the same level of coherence and impact. Although there were certainly some standout moments throughout these seasons, overall, they proved to be a bit of a pain to watch.



    The dynamic among the team members was intriguing, as they seemed to have a shared mindset and got along well and at the same time their true nature is always the fugitive aspect where in they have a lot of ego, they think they are the best, they sometime out their interests over the collective good and this puts in the right amount of twists.

    Furthermore, the backstories of all the characters were also quite poignant and shed light on their motivations and personal struggles. This is where the series brings in an amazing twist, considering we are seeing the point of view of the fugitives, the thieves, the antagonists, but the writers have made sure that we viewers are made to believe that they are the good guys and their actions are pretty justified and their intentions are not that bad even though they were initially portrayed as the kind of people who would be involved in all kinds of vices.

  First off the most iconic character, it was often hard to decipher the professor's thought process as he always appeared to be several steps ahead of everyone else, the fact that he would have worked years together to just come up with the plan, while having a fail safe strategy for every move they try to pull. This added an element of mystery and anticipation, leaving myself eager to understand his motives and strategies. It was fascinating to see how he would navigate these challenges and come up with new strategies to maintain the upper hand and just show that all the hard work he had put into the plan didn't go in vain and he had gain a sort of all round experience while he was researching it and he was able to apply the same during the crucial moments.

    One of the series' strengths lies in its ability to keep viewers on the edge of their seats. The professor always manages to concoct elaborate backup plans, often making it appear as though it's the end, only to reveal another layer of strategy and another backup plan, this constant anticipation and uncertainty contribute to the series' captivating nature and makes you want to finish the series at any cost just to know what happened, considering on top of all the anticipation every episode ended in a cliffhanger.

    The point of view presented through Tokyo's narration added an interesting perspective to the series. It allowed viewers to experience the events through her eyes and gain insights into her thoughts and emotions, making her a central and engaging character. Tokyo is a crazy character she is living her youthful days and this brings in a bit of immaturity and this causes trouble to the heist group, although the writers of the show have made sure that its not the case all the time, sometimes her courage and ballsy attitude works out for the better, but it is quite visible that she is pretty much driven by love all the way.

    Nairobi quickly became one of my favorite characters due to her strong personality and her ability to bring a sense of humor and lightness to tense situations. She has a very deep back story this brings in a little bit of emotional side to the story, Nairobi played by Alba Flores has done a great job in portraying the character as a funny happy go woman with a hint of emotional side which she is having a hard time to cope up with. She is the person in charge of handling the money aspect of the heist and I love the fact that she abides by the rules of the heist she plays by the boundaries and makes sure that she doesn't stray away from the plan for any reason whatsoever.

    Berlin's leadership during this heist was commendable, he is a elegant yet short tempered and a little impulsive he takes decisions which makes everyone in the heist uncomfortable including the viewers and myself but as the story progresses you tend to realize why he took that stance and made that decision. His elegance makes him seem like an elitist with that extended ego but when it comes to his impulsive side he just seems like a painful person to watch.

    There are also some characters like Torres, the hostage, added a touch of innocence and charm. On the other hand, Arturo and Allison Parker were genuinely annoying characters, while Monica exuded a peaceful and calming presence

3.Cinematic appeal

    However, there were moments when the fast-paced nature of the scenes made it a bit challenging to keep up and fully grasp what was happening, this is because some scenes are overwhelming and in order to understand the explicit details of the scene takes time and by then many more instances would have been taken place. Nonetheless, the dialogues were exceptionally well-written, adding to the overall appeal of the show, the whole series is in Spanish which might sound unorthodox for people to watch, but watching the series in Spanish gives it an authentic effect.

    One aspect of the series that stood out to me was the depiction of the police operations, the attention to detail and the technical aspects involved made it quite impressive and this made me feel that police or the CNI had a good chance to actually capture the heist men and women. However, the actions and decisions of the higher authorities within the police force were often difficult to comprehend for myself who may not be familiar with police procedures and protocols. 

    Along with all these minute aspects the background music takes a major role in every TV series and the writers of money heist have done an incredible job to bring out the emotions of the viewers through the music, by using the right kind of music at the right time. This especially seen in all the intense scenes where all the viewers are already on the edge of their seats, the music is definitely the icing on top of the cake for the series.

4.Personal Opinion

    I found the plot of this series to be captivating, particularly because it jumped right into the action without much delay, the show starts off without any of the needed long introductions, the introductions of the characters and the explanation of the plot happens as the heist is happening which gets the viewers excited from the get go.

    The conflicts that emerged within the heist group were particularly difficult to watch as they went against each other and created tension among the members, these conflicts occurs at exactly the worst possible timing and that's the great thing with this show which makes viewers sitting right at the edge of their seat as they experience the greatness of this show. These moments provided the right amount of thrill and suspense, especially when the heist is not only about the people inside the bank but also outside the bank which got me really excited to see how things pan out. 

    The professor's reasons for conducting the heists were complex and mind-bending, adding an additional layer of intrigue to the plot, more than mind bending its more like mysterious, we as viewers know all this heist planning is because of his past but as the story move forward we tend to realize that its more of him trying to figure himself out and trying to understand himself better.

    In the end of first heist, I expected a sense of resolution, only to discover in the final moments that it was merely the beginning of a larger story. This twist effectively heightened the stakes and created a desire to continue watching. However, with so much going on in the subsequent seasons, it became increasingly challenging to keep track of all the plot points, and some aspects may have been lost along the way, this happened in the second heist, the writers have tried their best to keep it as an ongoing of the first heist but it turns a little on the negative end mostly, but this kind of addition of new components in a very basic concept of the word "heist" is what makes the show worth while watching until the end. 

    One aspect that puzzled me was how the characters, despite often criticizing and challenging each other's personal lives, managed to stick together, inside the bank there was always so much tension where the members of the heist are beating each other up one second and the next they are hugging and working things out, there is one aspect where you can always argue saying that we cannot really comprehend the mindset when the heist is going on nut in the end it was really confusing to me. On the other hand my other theory being that maybe it was driven by the lure of money, the fear of being captured by the police, or a newfound sense of camaraderie, the members of the heist formed a bond that kept them united.

    An important lesson conveyed by the series is the significance of expressing one's concerns and feelings openly to others, in order to pull of a heist of such a huge magnitude it is extremely essential to communicate effectively and clearly otherwise they are all extremely prone to assumptions which leads to unwanted circumstances. The unpredictability of life and the ever-changing circumstances can easily lead to missed opportunities and regrets if important conversations are left unsaid, this is something that is not easy to follow in real life, but it something to be kept in mind in order to live a life without regrets.

    Some decisions made by the characters in second heist were undeniably foolish, which led viewers to anticipate hidden motives that never materialized. Nevertheless, with so much happening and the series moving at a rapid pace, these shortcomings were easily forgotten amidst the whirlwind of events which although it was unsettling for the viewers, keeping the series in mind it was for the better.


"Money Heist" is a thrilling web series centered around daring heists and a group of fugitives with unique skills. The first heist, targeting the Royal Mint of Spain, impresses with its meticulous planning and focused execution, creating a concise and engaging storyline. The characters' compelling backstories add depth and relatability to their actions, despite their criminal endeavors.

However, the second heist at the Bank of Spain receives mixed reviews, criticized for its overly long and disjointed plot. While the professor's unpredictable strategies and shifting dynamics among the heist members create intrigue, some find it frustrating and less coherent than the first heist. Nevertheless, the series keeps viewers on the edge of their seats with constant tension and uncertainty, enhanced by well-written dialogues and captivating cinematography.

Overall, I would give this series a rating of 4 out of 5."Money Heist" successfully blurs the lines between protagonists and antagonists, presenting morally complex perspectives. The show's exploration of justice, motives, and the characters' pursuit of wealth and self-discovery keeps audiences engaged. Despite the mixed reception of the second heist, the series leaves a lasting impression on viewers, making it a globally popular and enthralling watch.