
BLUE LOCK : Characters unleash their powerful inner egoistic monsters

1. Overview

    This anime is set in modern-day Japan and follows Yoichi Isagi, an ambitious high schooler aiming to become the star striker for the under-20 national football team. After a devastating loss in a selection game, Isagi receives a mysterious invitation from the Japan Football Union. Intrigued, he discovers he's been chosen as one of 300 candidates for the BLUE LOCK program, led by the enigmatic Jinpachi Ego. BLUE LOCK aims to train neo strikers through a rigorous selection process that tests their egos, with the ultimate goal of finding the true striker. Determined to prove himself, Isagi embarks on this challenging journey, facing intense training, fierce competition, and unexpected challenges. Alongside fellow candidates, he questions the essence of being a striker, honing his abilities and rising above his limitations. Guided by ambition and supported by allies, Isagi strives to become the ultimate striker. Through BLUE LOCK's trials, viewers witness a gripping tale of self-discovery, determination, and the pursuit of excellence in the world of football.

    In this show, BLUE LOCK takes on a similar concept to the hunter exam in the series hunter X hunter, where numerous candidates, all with the same goal in mind, are pitted against each other to determine the best of the best. However, in this sports anime centered around football, the objective is to find the most exceptional striker. The belief is that a top-notch striker has the potential to elevate Japan's football to new heights, making it the best in the world. This high-stakes examination creates immense pressure and eternal stress for the candidates, leading to varied responses and actions. Some form alliances, collaborating to overcome the system, while others prey on the weaker ones, using any means necessary to gain an advantage. Sacrificing friendships becomes a pivotal test, revealing the candidates' true nature as they display the egoistic monsters lurking within them. Each candidate's actions and the extent to which they are willing to go become a testament to their determination and desire to attain their aspirations. 

   The BLUE LOCK system starts with a substantial group of 300 individuals, but as the story progresses, it strategically narrows down to focus on a select few. The creators have done an excellent job of highlighting key players and delving deeper into their characters, rather than overwhelming the viewers with a large cast devoid of development. By carefully choosing specific candidates, the anime ensures that these individuals receive ample screen time. This approach makes it much easier for the audience to follow and enjoy the series without the need to constantly keep track of numerous characters.

    The narrative of this anime goes beyond football itself, exploring the realms of management and the inner workings of the BLUE LOCK organization. It delves into the broader perspectives surrounding the program, questioning whether it is a wise decision to impose so much pressure on innocent teenagers. By incorporating the outside world's opinions and reactions to BLUE LOCK, the story offers a different perspective alongside the intense experiences within the program. This multi-dimensional approach keeps viewers engaged and allows for a deeper exploration of the intricately constructed world the creators have crafted. It adds layers of complexity to the plot and enriches the overall viewing experience.

2. Characters

   Yoichi Isagi is the main character whose perspective drives the series. Initially considered powerless, he secures the 299th position out of 300 candidates in BLUE LOCK based on his average stats. However, Isagi possesses a unique trait: adaptability, he is calm and resourceful in any situation and strives to become the best striker by emulating his idols Ronaldo and Messi. Willing to completely transform himself, he evolves his thinking and rewires his brain even in dire circumstances. Isagi's unwavering determination, adaptability, and relentless pursuit of improvement propels him forward as he navigates the challenges of BLUE LOCK, aiming to become the world's greatest striker.

    Throughout the series, Isagi holds the belief that surpassing the strong is the only path to progress, rather than preying on the weak. He understands that relying on the exploitation of others is never a viable option and values the importance of protecting those who are weaker and vulnerable. He recognizes that in order to achieve greater heights in life, it is essential to find ways to surpass those who are ahead. This outlook makes life intriguing and provides motivation, as there is always someone above you, urging constant growth and improvement. Isagi's commitment to this mindset drives his actions and fuels his determination to rise above his limitations, aiming for greatness.


    Jinpachi Ego is an intriguing character in the series, with little revealed about his past or background in this season, it is evident that he possesses an exceptional understanding of how strikers think and the essential qualities they should possess. Ego exudes an aura reminiscent of "L" from Death Note, with his widened eyes when something piques his interest and his unwavering focus on BLUE LOCK. Despite having a supportive assistant, he personally observes each candidate, meticulously analyzing their mistakes and monitoring their evolution. He explains to viewers the purpose behind the various selection levels imposed on the strikers, pushing them to play ten times better than before. True to his name, Ego, Ego firmly believes in the egoistic nature of strikers, emphasizing its significance in their development.

    Meguru Bachira is a captivating and enigmatic character with a profound love for soccer. His exceptional skill lies in his ability to dribble the ball effortlessly. As Isagi's first friend within BLUE LOCK, Bachira immediately recognizes the "monster" within Isagi and finds inspiration in his unwavering commitment to follow his inner beast. Bachira sees this "monster" as a representation of one's true potential and the embodiment of greatness. Despite his own remarkable talent, Bachira possesses a lovable and amiable nature. He effortlessly connects with everyone on the team, fostering strong relationships. Moreover, he eagerly admires Isagi's impressive plays, adding to the excitement of the series. Bachira's character brings a sense of mystery, joy, and genuine camaraderie to the story, making him an integral part of the BLUE LOCK journey.

    Rin Itoshi, the top-ranked striker candidate in BLUE LOCK, embodies the archetype of a cool and sadistic character. Known for his awe-inspiring plays, Rin possesses the ability to dominate the field single-handedly. He maintains a reserved demeanor and rarely engages in conversation with others. Fueled by an extreme ego, Rin prioritizes his own ambitions above all else, showing little concern for anyone else's well-being. His relentless focus is solely directed towards becoming the very best. His exceptional skills, aloof personality, and unwavering self-centeredness contribute to his captivating presence within the series.     


    This anime excels in portraying the essence of a sports anime, particularly in its depiction of the intricate thoughts running through the players' minds during critical moments. While the actual time they have to think may only be a few seconds in the show, the series takes the opportunity to elaborate on these thoughts. Even though it may seem unconventional or exaggerated, the words spoken by the players in these moments serve to motivate and ignite the perfect amount of hype. This aspect of the anime draws viewers into the game, capturing their interest and enthusiasm, regardless of their familiarity with the sport itself. It adds depth and intensity to the matches, creating an immersive experience that resonates with the audience.

    The animation in this anime is truly exceptional, leaving no room for doubt. The portrayal of the egoistic monsters as raw, wild beasts waiting to hunt their prey and assert their dominance is visually striking. The meticulous attention to detail in the articulation of the characters' bodies during their incredible plays is commendable. Every movement is vividly expressed, capturing the intensity and skill of the players. The animation team has brilliantly depicted the effects of air drafts, showcasing the swirling motion and the mesmerizing blur in the characters' eyes. Additionally, they have skillfully captured the passionate and sometimes mad expressions in the characters' eyes, further enhancing the emotional impact. Notably, the physics of the ball and the air surrounding it have been meticulously crafted, adding a level of realism and immersion to the scenes. The overall quality of the animation elevates the viewing experience, bringing the intense matches and the world of football to life in a visually captivating way.

4.Personal opinion

    Personally, the concept of emphasizing egoistic behavior in the context of this anime makes me slightly uneasy. In most situations, having a strong ego tends to create more problems rather than solve them. However, in this particular instance, the concept of ego is portrayed as the characters' inner monsters, representing their ability to give their absolute best on the field. It is not intended to promote negative ego-driven behavior, but rather to highlight their capacity for maximum dedication and performance in the game.

    One notable aspect that I found impressive was the design of the training suits in the anime. These black full-body suits with blue lines perfectly align with the theme of BLUE LOCK. The visual combination of black and blue creates a striking and cohesive look for the characters during their training sessions. The suits not only adhere to the aesthetic of the series but also appear to be comfortable for the characters, as they wear them consistently throughout their training activities. The attention to detail in the design of these suits adds to the overall visual appeal of the anime and enhances the immersion for the viewers.

    Throughout the season, the anime evokes a sense of nostalgia, reminiscent of Death Note, particularly in the way Isagi's thought process mirrors that of Kira. Isagi's careful consideration of each move and his utilization of spatial awareness in making plays brings to mind Kira's meticulous planning. The series also imparts an important lesson about adaptability and the need for constant change. It emphasizes the significance of learning from past mistakes and making necessary adjustments to remain resilient in an ever-changing world. These themes resonate with viewers, reminding them of the importance of growth and adaptability in overcoming challenges. The exploration of these concepts adds depth and engagement to the story, enhancing the overall viewing experience.

    The anime effectively portrays the importance of subjecting ourselves to challenging environments in order to grow stronger. It highlights the notion that through natural selection and the need for survival, we instinctively adapt and evolve. The external stresses we face become catalysts for self-improvement and self-reliance. By pushing ourselves beyond our limits and embracing the harshness of our surroundings, we not only develop resilience but also discover our true potential. The anime's depiction of this process serves as a reminder that it is through facing adversity that we can become better versions of ourselves and overcome obstacles on our path to success.

5. Conclusion

    The anime presents an awe-inspiring concept of players giving their all to reach the top, which is truly captivating. However, what adds a compelling twist to the story is the moments where some characters sacrifice their teammates for personal gain. This portrayal delves into the darker side of egoism, showcasing both its potential for positive motivation and its potential for betrayal. The anime effectively explores the nuanced nature of egoism, illustrating that utilizing egoism as a tool to pursue one's desires can be acceptable to a certain degree, providing a sense of satisfaction. Conversely, using egoism in a way that betrays one's own teammates for selfish needs is portrayed as the worst possible application of this concept. This dichotomy adds depth to the narrative, sparking reflection on the consequences of individual actions and the moral implications of pursuing personal goals at the expense of others.

 This anime excels as a sports anime, captivating viewers and igniting their interest in the sport, even if they have never played it before or lack knowledge of its rules. The thrilling plays executed in the final moments of matches keep viewers on the edge of their seats, generating excitement for future episodes. The unwavering determination and unwavering focus displayed by the characters in their quest to become the best striker in Japan is inspiring and generates a sense of anticipation. The players effectively utilize each other's abilities, fostering chemistry within the team, and their collective efforts create a synergistic effect, resulting in impressive and awe-inspiring plays. Witnessing their strategies unfold leaves viewers in awe and admiration of their skills. The anime successfully evokes a sense of thrill and excitement, leaving a lasting impression and a desire to witness more of their captivating performances.

    After carefully assessing the entirety of the series, I would confidently give it a solid rating of 5 out of 5. This high rating indicates that it is undoubtedly one of the best anime series available, appealing to a wide range of tastes. The show's compelling storyline, well-developed characters, and engaging sports action make it a standout choice for viewers. While personal preferences may vary, the overall quality of the series merits a strong recommendation and positions it as a must-watch for anime enthusiasts.