
MARVEL'S DAREDEVIL : Kingpin a fitting nemesis for the man without fear

    Kingpin is one of the major characters in the marvel universe spanning across different shows. He is a billionaire cause of his work in the mafia as the head of his group famously known as "the fisk" group. His mind worked in a different level compared to others, he was a master strategist and was stubborn enough to get what he wanted, he wouldn't stop until he got it and would literally kill anyone in his way. This leads to a rivalry between Matt Murdock (Daredevil) and Wilson Fisk (Kingpin), both of them believed that the city hell's kitchen was theirs and they wanted to change it by getting rid of the other to make the city better according to their beliefs. This stubbornness that drives them both is what I admire the most, if only that drive to make the city better was pointed in the right direction I feel like they could have stood together in making the city better for everyone. 

    Marvel's Daredevil is a thrilling show that keeps the viewers on the edge of their seats having unexpected twists, turns and cliffhangers in every episode which makes you want more of the show. This show has antagonists reappearing who were once thought to be dead, it has daredevil's aids spring into action in a stylish way when daredevil is in a pinch and help reduce the causality which made my heart spring alive. Thrills are not the only thing that makes this show unbelievably good, Marvel's Daredevil did justice to both his normal self and his alter ego, most superhero shows focus either on just the superhero saving people from a building that is on fire or the superhero struggling to balance both his lives which gets boring and you would rather skip to the scene in the show where the hero wears his suit and fights the bad guys. Matt Murdock being an attorney, when he decides to deal a case, you would be equally excited on seeing how he tackles the issue as when he wears the daredevil suit and poses on the roof in the night. This show displays the intricate details of dealing a case including collecting proof, interviewing criminals, having a solid intro that is enough to gain the trust of judge and jury and that monologue is one to wait and listen for. Wilson Fisk by portrayed by Vincent D'Onofrio ,he took his role to the next level. I can't think of any other actor who could pull this off. Every dialogue he said and the way he said it. gave me goosebumps. The fear he brought in people cause of his expressions and good acting was awe inspiring.  

    Matt and Wilson had their own strengths and weaknesses, but one's strength was the other's weakness which is what makes them a really good hero and villian combination. To start off with Matt, he is a struggling lawyer(financially) even though he is really good at his job, he would be struggling to even keep his office open and he is quite the nobody speaking of popularity and fame. On the other hand Fisk is very rich and has power beyond his reach, he is quite famous in what people call "the Underworld", he has multiple contacts with which he can control the whole city. Matt has the courage to go against such a huge figure both literally and figuratively cause he believes in himself no matter how small he is and succeeds to ruin all of Fisk's plans.


    Stan lee in one of the interviews, he mentioned that his idea of making new heroes was always to convey that anyone can become a hero, and that's how he came up with a blind man hero Daredevil. Matt, even though he was blind he had heightened senses which he had gotten used to by learning how to fight with it, this show displayed the fact that not everyone is perfect, even with his heightened senses he comes back all bruised from a fight and there are a lot of situations where him being blind causes him minor set backs. On the same lines Fisk was blinded by love and was ready to sacrifice himself for the love of his life Venessa, I wouldn't blame him for his actions though because one of his inner demons was being alone and he naturally felt better and realized a lot of things when he got into this relationship. Matt had to keep his second life a secret from everyone he loves, he was struggling to manage a relationship, on the other hand Fisk had the freedom to express himself freely to his love cause Vanessa shared the same interests as he did.  


    Both of them had one major similarity, in both of their lives their fathers were the most important personalities who sculptured these characters and made them who they are now. Matt had a loving father, his father used to be a boxer, even though he got knocked out every time he always supported Matt's education and always taught him to get up whenever he falls down, cause heroes are those who make a comeback even after multiple setbacks through sheer will and perseverance. On the other hand Fisk's father was barbaric and he was one people who took no shame in domestic abuse, Fisk couldn't mentally handle this and killed his own father brutally at a very young age .This amount of mental pressure on any child can ruin their entire life.

    Speaking of father, Matt after loosing his birth father, he was taken up by the church as an orphan and the father of the church preached some amount of Christianity to Matt which is where he realized that its not his right to kill anyone. The church and the father of the church is where he usually turns to when he wants to ask for penance for him breaking a few bones of thugs. He tries to compare himself to different characters in the Cristian history where he believes himself as a servant of god in the form a devil who is just doing what god would have done. Sooner or later he comes to realize that he is not wearing the devil but the devil is wearing him, the suit he wears turned him into a different person altogether showing hell to all the thugs he fights. 

   While Daredevil was a one man army with his friends by his side, Fisk had very reliable contacts, hench man and his strategic mindset. He had all of his associates and allied personnel's lives in the palm of hands. From the first season he was the absolute winner of all kinds of trades, he was once leading the entire drug cartel in the city. When he was forcefully put to prison due to his wrong doings, in a matter of months he became the kingpin of the prison where even the guards where under his command and he had conquered the whole prison to himself without the outside world noticing anything, later on continuing to stay in the prison he caught hold of the FBI where even the big leagues of the federal bureau were following his orders. Through FBI he even manipulated the system that governs the city to give him back his old life. Starting from ground up to get back to where he was was not an easy task and he pulled it off in a smooth way, this feat is one of a kind accomplishment not everyone could achieve.

    All in all it is one of the finest web-series to have come out in the marvel universe, and  definitely worth the watch.